Captain Brian Watt
It was a privilege to be Captain of Galgorm Castle Golf Club in 2023. I would like to thank my team of Office Bearers and Committee Members, for their support during my year in office.
I also say a word of thanks to our outgoing President Austin McGillian, who has been a great support to me in my year as Captain, and to the club in recent years.
Many thanks to all the Team Captains and all those who represented our great club in Golf Ireland’s interclub competitions. Special mention to both the junior Boys and Girls who reached the Golf Ireland Regional Finals, which was a tremendous result and congratulations to our Hon Junior Convenor and Ladies for their support.
I hope everyone enjoyed my Captain’s Day which was incredibly special for me. Also, my Captain’s Dinner at Galgorm Resort was a wonderful night which I really enjoyed sharing with friends and family, and present the prizes to the winners and the inaugural Captain’s Day Cup to the overall winner Norman Nicholl.
Captain’s Charity Day and the Christmas Bonanza Day was enjoyed by all who were able to attend. It was especially pleasing to be able to raise significant monies this year for local charities and I would like to thank all the members and sponsors who contributed and would assure them that their kind donations did make a difference to these local charities.
President’s Night and Prize Night were all good events held in the Galgorm Resort and Spa.
It was great to organise social events in The Barn this year with a good turnout for quiz nights and I look forward to more club events in 2024. Thanks to Georgie and her team who have always been welcoming and supportive during my year in The Restaurant and in The Barn.
Course Manager Rodney McKay and his team do a superb job keeping the course in a wonderful condition in what was a challenging wet year. Further ongoing enhancements to the course will add more golfing challenges for us all in 2024.
Thanks also to Gary Henry and his team for their assistance throughout my captaincy.
Thanks to our Saturday sponsors who supported the club in 2023 and for attending prize night.
In 2023 we hosted the Country Garage BMW NI Open and the last year of ISPS HANDA World Invitational at Galgorm which again were tremendous successes.
I have really enjoyed my year as your Captain and wish Seamus Laverty, incoming President Ian Henry, the Committee, and Club teams every success in 2024.
Brian Watt
Captain Galgorm Castle