Galgorm Castle News

Bertie Gibson Memorial Trophy

- Posted on: 27/05/2024 - $itemValue.title

Image credit: Kevin Markham

The Bertie Gibson Memorial Trophy sponsored by Lamont Industrial Ltd. and played at Galgorm Castle Golf Club had a very exciting finish between Philip Galloway and Rory Brown. Both players returned with the same number of points and with a better back nine Victory went to Galloway with Brown in the Runner Up placing.

Division 1

Through the Front 9 Michael Reid (-3) was leading by one point from Matthew Weir (6) and Norman Nicholl (6). James Taylor (7) was another point behind. At the Devils Elbow Reid had increased his advantage to three points over Weir (ding' at The Fort) and Nicholl (dings' at Piat and Devils Elbow). Taylor was a further point back. Reid bogeyed the Devils Elbow, birdied Beechers and parred the Grove and was holding a two point advantage over Weir (bogey at Devils Elbow, birdie at Beechers and a par at the Grove) and Nicholl (three pars). Taylor (three pars) was another point behind. Reid completed his round with two birdies to WIN Division 1 by two points from Weir (two birdies) in second place.. Nicholl (bogey at Lowlands and a par at Shirleys Cottage) and Taylor (pars at Lowlands and Shirleys Cottage) finished a further two points down. Third place went to Taylor with a better back nine.

Joshua Hill (-5) Won the Gross with 33 gr.pts. and Gary Stewart Wonthe Seniors with 36 pts.

Division 2

At halfway Paul Steenson (11) and Rory Brown (9) were vying for the lead two points ahead of Mark Hamilton (10) ('ding at the Trout Hole). Norman Reid (12 was another point behind with Steven Carmichael (9) ('ding' at Longlands) a further four points away. At the Devils Elbow Brown was leading by a point from Steenson who was two points clear of Reid. Hamilton ('ding' at The Fort) was joined by an improved Carmichael two more points behind. Over Beechers Steenson with a bogey and par joined Brown (two pars) three points ahead of Reid (par, bogey). Another three points back came Hamilton (bogey, par) and Carmichael (bogey, par). Brown finished with a birdie at the Grove, double bogey at Lowlands and a bogey at Shirleys Cottage to WIN the OVERALL RUNNER UP placing'. Steenson and Reid bogeyed the Grove and Lowlands but a birdie at Shirleys Cottage enabled Reid to draw level with Steenson (double bogey) and with a better back nine First place in Division 2 went to Reid with Steenson in second place. Three points further back Carmichael (birdie at the Grove and two pars) finished in third place. Hamilton finished a point behind the placings.

Division 3

At the start of the Back 9 Jim Wilson (18) held a three point advantage over Jonathan Keys (18). Stephen McCabe (14) ('dings' at Lillyvale and Spences) and Philip Galloway (18) were another point behind with Daniel McIlroy (17) a further two points down. At The Maple Keys with three pars (The Fort, Arthurs Seat and The Maple) joined Wilson in the lead by one point over Galloway. Three points further back came McCabe ('ding' at The Fort) and McIlroy. Galloway parred the Devils Elbow, Beechers and the Grove to take a lead of two points over Keys (bogey at Devils Elbow, double bogey at Beechers and a par at the Grove). McIlroy (par at Devils Elbow, bogey at Beechers, par at the Grove and Wilson (bogey at Devils Elbow, double bogey at Beechers and a bogey at the Grove) were another point back. McCabe (bogey at Devils Elbow and pars at Beechers and the Grove) was a further two points down. Galloway finished bogey, par to WIN OVERALL. McIlroy returned par, bogey to WIN DIVISION 3 by a point from Keys (bogey at Lowlands, double bogey at Shirleys Cottage. McCabe (bogey. par) and Wilson ('ding' at Lowlands, par) came back together another point away and with a better back nine third place went to McCabe.

Division 4

At The Fort tee box Michael Laverty (23) ('ding' at the Trout Hole@) was leading by one point but being hard pressed for the leadership by Mark McClenaghan (20) ('dings' at the Trout Hole and Broadmeadows) and Alan Knox ('dings' at Lillyvale and the Niuc) a point behind. Samuel Graham (33) ('dings' at Spences and Walkers Home) was another point behind. At the Maple Laverty had increased his lead to three points over McClenaghan ('ding' at Piat). Knox ('ding' at The Fort) and Graham were another point behind. McClenaghan upped his game with pars at Devils Elbow, Beechers and the Grove to lead by one point from Laverty who after a par at the Devils Elbow hit bogey trouble with a triple bogey at Beechers and a double bogey up the Grove. Three points further behind came Graham (triple bogey, double bogey, bogey at the Grove) and Knox (par at Devils Elbow, double bogey and a bogey at the Grove). McClenaghan finished with a par at Lowlands and a birdie at Shirleys Cottage to WIN the Division by four points ahead of Laverty (double bogey, par at Shirleys Cottage) in second place. Graham (double bogey, par at Shirleys Cottage) and Knox (pars at Lowlands and Shirleys Cottage) returned another point behind. With a better back nine Graham finished in third place.