Galgorm Castle News

McCormick wins Specsavers Stableford

- Posted on: 13/05/2024 - $itemValue.title

Image credit: Kevin Markham

Sean McCormick (5) was the OVERALL WINNER of Specsavers sponsored Stableford Competition played at Galgorm Castle Golf Club on a very bright and sunny day.. McCormick was playing at the top of his game and won by three points from Michael Simpson (27) in the Runner Up position. The course itself was in excellent condition and there was a good turn out of golfers.

Division 1

Through the Front 9 Sean McCormick was leading by two points from Michael Reid (-3) and Matthew Weir (6). David Bamford (7) and Michael Alexander (6) ('ding' at The Niuc) were another point behind. Josh Nicholl (-2) was a further point down. Approaching the Devils Elbow McCormick (after four pars) had increased his lead to four points over Alexander. Reid and Weir ('ding' at The Fort) were another point behind with Bamford ('ding' at Arthurs Seat) and Nicholl a further point down. Up the Grove McCormick (with a par at Devils Elbow, a bogey at Beechers and a birdie up the Grove) was proving hard to catch and was leading by four points ftomReid (two pars and a birdie). Weir (birdie at Devils Elbow, bogey over Beechers and a par at the Grove), Alexander (bogey and two pars) and Nicholl (birdies at Devils Elbow and Beechers and a par at the Grove) were another point behind. Bamford (bogey and two pars) was a further point in arrears. McCormick finished with a bogey at Lowlands and a birdie at Shirleys Cottage to WIN OVERALL by three points from Nicholl who WON the Gross with 42Gross points. Reid (pars at Lowlands and Shirleys Cottage ) returned four points behind McCormick and WON Division 1 by a point from Weir (two pars) in Second place. A further point behind came Bamford (two pars) and Alexander (bogey, par) and Third place went to Bamford with a better last six.

Division 2

At The Fort Paul Reid (12) was two points ahead of Pat Conlon (11) ('ding' at The Treasury) and Billy Goodall (9). David Murray (10) was a further two points behind. Through The Maple Reid was holding his two point advantage over Goodall. Conlon and Murray were a further point back. Over Beechers Goodall after a par at Devils Elbow and a bogey at Beechers had closed to within one point of Reid ('ding' at Devils Elbow and a bogey at Beechers). Murray (par, bogey) was another point behind and Conlon ('ding' at Devils Elbow, bogey) was a further point back. In a close finish over the closing three holes Goodall with a par at the Grove, bogey at Lowlands and a par at Shirleys Cottage WON Division 2 by a point from Murray (par at the Grove, bogey down Lowlands and a par at Shirleys Cottage) and Reid (bogey, double bogey, par) and with a better back nine second place went to Murray with Reid in third place. Conlon (two bogeys and a birdie at Shirleys Cottage finished a point behind the placings.

Division 3

At hyalfway Lyle Foster (14) held a two point advantage over David McIlroy (16) and Owen Elliott (14). David Millar (18) was another point behind. At The Maple Elliott had closed to within one point of Foster with Millar ('ding' at Piat) and McIlroy ('ding' at Arthurs Seat) another two and four points respectively further back. A new leader emerged up the Grove when Elliott after a par at the Devils Elbow and bogeys at Beechers and the Grove was one point ahead of Millar (birdie at Devils Elbow, double bogey over Beechers and a par at the Grove). Foster ('ding' double bogey, par) was another point behind with McIlroy (bogey, and two pars) a further point back. In a very close finish Millar (two bogeys) and Foster (par, bogey) were level on points. Elliott ('ding' at Lowlands and a bogey to finish) and McIlroy (par at Lowlands and a bogey at Shirleys Cottage) finished a point behind. Millar WON the Division by a point from McIlroy in second place with a better last six and in third place came Elliott. Foster WON the Seniors.

Division 4

Starting the Back 9 Jonathan McCullough (24) (opened his challenge for victory with a 'ding' at the opening hole) held a one point advantage over Adam Wilkinson (22). Michael Simpson (27) ('ding' at Spences) was another four points behind. John McClintock (20) ('dings' at Trout Hole, The Niuc andBroadmeadows) was a further two points down. At the Devils Elbow McCullough was still one point in the lead from Wilkinson with Simpson still a further four points behind. McClintock lost ground and was four more points down. Coming to the Grove Wilkinson (pars at Devils Elbow and Beechers) was the new leader bt three points over McCullough (two double bogeys). Simpson (double bogey at Devils Elbow and a birdie at Beechers) was another two points behind with McClintock (par, bogey) four points further down but still in contention. Simpson finished par at the Grove and bogeys at Lowlands and Shirleys Cottage to WIN the OVERALL RUNNER UP placing (better back nine) Wilkinson ran into trouble at two of the closing three holes with 'dings' at the Grove and Shirleys Cottage. However a bogey at Lowlands enabled him to draw level with McCullough (two more double bogeys and a bogey to finisn at Shirleys Cottage) and First place went to Wilkinson with a better back nine. McCullough came second and John McClintock came third after a par at the Grove, double bogey at Lowlands and a great finish with an albatross 2 (congratulations John on a wonderful shot at the par 5 Shirleys Cottage.