Galgorm Castle News

McMullan Wins Robinson Trophy

- Posted on: 24/06/2024 - $itemValue.title

Image credit: Kevin Markham


Division 1

Peter McMullan (8) held a four point advantage over Jordan Dembinski (8) at halfway in the Robinson Trophy (sponsored by Robinson's Nisa Extra) and played at Galgorm Castle Golf Club. Harris Fleming (2), Aaron Steele (8) and Sean McCormick (6) were another two, three and five points respectively further behind. At The Maple McMullan was still in the lead. Fleming was five points behind and Steele another point behind., Three further points back came McCormick and Dembinski ('dings' at The Fort and Piat). Reaching the Lowlands McMullan was proving difficult to catch and still held a five point lead from Steele (birdies at Devils Elbow and Beechers and a bogey up the Grove). Fleming (par, bogey, birdie) was another point behind. McCormick (three pars) was a further three points down followed by another point away Dembinski (two pars and a bogey at the Grove). McMullan completed his round with a bogey at Lowlands and a 'ding' at Shirleys Cottage to WIN OVERALL. Four points behind came Steele (bogey, double bogey) and Fleming (bogey at Lowlands and a par at Shirleys Cottage) and with a better back nine Aaron Steele won Division 1 with Fleming second. McCormick _('ding' at Lowlands and a birdie at Shirleys Cottage) was three points further back along with Dembinski (par at Lowlands and a bogey at Shirleys Cottage) and with a better back nine third place went to McCormick.

The Gross was won by Patrick Dallat (-3) with 39 Gross Pts.

Division 2

Through the Front 9 Patrick Coleman (12) held a slender one point advantage over Alan Montgomery (12) and two points over Chris Moore (14) and Andrew Collins (11). At the Devils Elbow, Coleman ('ding' at Arthurs Seat) was leading by one point from Moore and Collins with Montgomery close up another point behind. Up the Grove Coleman (bogey at Devils Elbow and two pars) was still holding firm to his one point advantage over Collins (bogey and two pars). M:oore ('ding' at Devils Elbow and pars at Beechers and the Grove) and Montgomery (bogey at Devils Elbow and pars at Beechers and the Grove) were another point behind. In a very close and exciting finish Coleman (two bogeys), Collins (par at Lowlands and a double bogey at Shirleys Cottage), Moore (par, bogey at Shirleys Cottage) and Montgomery (two bogeys) returned together and with a better last three First place went to Moore. Second place with a better back nine came Collins and third place went to Montgomery with a better back nine.


Division 3

At The Fort Ryan Neill (19) was leading by two points from Timothy D'Arcy (17) with Simon Crooks (18) close up another point behind. Jonathan Keys (19) and Jim Wilson (18) were a further two points back. Through The Maple Neill increased his lead over D'Arcy ('ding' Piat) who was joined by Keys to four points. Crooks ('ding' at Piat) and Wilson ('ding' at The Maple) were one and two points respectively further behind. Neill was proving difficult to overtake and after a par at Devils Elbowe followed by a bogey and a double Bogey was still four points clear of D'Arcy (double bogey at Devils Elbow and two pars), Keys (bogey, par at Beechers and a double bogey) and Crooks (double bogey followed by two pars). Neill returned bogey at Lowlands and par at Shirleys Cottage to finish OVERALL RUNNER UP. Crooks was improving and finished with two pars to WIN Division 3 by a point from D'Arcy (par at Lowlands, bogey) in second place. Another point behind, Keys (bogeys at Lowlands and Shirleys Cottage) and Wilson (bogey, par at Shirleys Cottage) finished together with third place going tol Keys with a better last six.


Division 4

After the Front 9 Michael Laverty (24) ('Ding' at The Niuc) held a two point advantage over William McKigney (22) ('ding' at the Trout Hole) and Colin Perry (25) ('ding' at Walkers Home). Leonard Campbell (22) ('dings' at Spences and The Niuc) and Andrew Robinson (22) 'ding' at Longlands) were another point behind. At the Devils Elbow McKigney had clolsed to within one of Laverty with ampbell another point behind. Perry and Robinson ('ding' at Piat) were a further two points down. Up;the Grove Laverty ('ding' at Devils Elbow and two pars) was joined in the lead by McKigney (par, bogey, double bogey at the Grove) and Campbell (double bogey and pars at Beechers and the Grove). Perry (bogey, double bogey, birdie at the Grove) was three points further behind and Robinson (double bogey, 'ding; at Beechers, double bogey) was another four points down. McKigney finished with a bogey at Lowlands and a par at Shirleys Cottage to WIN Division 4 by two points from Laverty (par at Lowlands, 'ding') and Perry (double bogey, bogey) who WON the SENIORS. Campbell (par at Lowlands, 'ding') came third.