Galgorm Castle News

Diamond Jubilee Trophy

- Posted on: 10/06/2024 - $itemValue.title

Image credit: Kevin Markham

Division 1

At the halfway mark Paul Wilson (5) and Adam Martin (7) were leading by a point from Matthew Weir (7) and Jonathan McNeill (1).   Robbie Sutherland (5) ('ding' at Spences) was another two points behind and Kurtis McCartney (3) a further two points down.   At the Devils Elbow Wilson was the clear leader by four points from Weir and Martin.   Sutherland and McNeill were another point behind and McCartney ('ding' at The Fort) was a further two points back.   Martin, after a par at Devils Elbow followed by two more pars, had closed to wit,hin one point of Wilson who recorded a double bogey, par, double bogey at the Grove.   Weir (par, bogey at Beechers, par at the Grove) and Sutherland (three pars) were close up another point behind.   McNeill (three pars) and McCartney (birdie at Devils Elbow, bogey at Beechers and a par) were one and four points respectively further back.   In a close finish Wilson (par at Lowlands, bogey at Shirleys Cottage) and Weir (par, birdie at Shirleys Cottage came in togg with Weir the WINNER of Division 1 with a better back nine.   Wilson came second and two points further behind in third place came Martin (par, double3 bogey).   McCartney (birdie, par), Sutherland (bogey 'ding') and McNeill (par, 'ding') finished together three points outside the placings.

Jordqan Hood (-3) won the Gross with 35 Gr.Pts.

Division 2

Through the Front 9|George Kernohan (14) was leading by a comfortable four points from Stuart Thompson (12) with          

Bryan Logan (9), Philip Smyth (13) ('dings' at The Niuc and Walkers Home) and George Small (10)  at one, three and five points respectively further behind.   Through The Maple Kernohan was still holding his five point advantage over Logan who was a point ahead of Thompson.   Small and Smyth were another two points behind.   Logan with a par at Devils Elbow followed by two more pars had closed to within three points of Kernohan (par and two bogeys) with two holes left to play.   Small (par at Devil Elbow, bogey, par up the Grove) was another two points behind.   Close up a further point down came Thompson (par, 'ding' at Beechers, par at the Grove) and Smyth (pars at Devils Elbow and Beechers and a bogey at the Grove).   Kernohan (bogey at Lowlands, par at Shirleys Cottage) held onto his three point advantage over Logan (bogey at Lowlands and a par at Shirleys Cottage).   Kernohan won the OVERALL RUNNER UP PLACING.   Logan WON Division 2 by a point from Small (birdie at Lowlands and a par at Shirleys Cottage).   Thompson (par, bogey at Shirleys Cottage) and Smyth (two pars) finished another two points behind and third place

 went to Smyth with a better back nine.


Division 3

At  The Fort Philip Galloway (18) ('ding' at the Sanctuary) was two points clear of Lames Kennedy O'Shea (16) and   Maurice3 McDowell (19).   Aaron McAuley (15) and Timothy D'Arcy (17) were another point behind.with Lyle Foster 15) ('ding' at The Treasury) another point down.   Approaching the Devils Elbow Galloway was leading by four points from McDowell ('ding' at The Fort),   O'Shea, D'Arcy ('ding' at The Fort) and McAuley were another one, two and three points respectively further back.   Through the Grove Galloway was still leading by four points (bogey at Devils Elbow, birdie at Beechers and a bogey at the Grove) from McDowell (bogey, birdie at Beechers and a bogey at the Grove) followed by O'Shea (bogey at Devils Elbow, par at Beechers and a bogtey at the Grove).   Foster was close up another point behind (par at Devils Elbow followed by two bogeys).   Two points further back came DA'rcy (par, 'ding' at Beechers, bogey) and McAuley (bogey, par. Double bogey at the Grove).   Galloway finished  with a birdie and a bogey to WIN OVERALL.   Foster parred the final two holes to WIN the Seniors with thirty nine points.   McDowell (two bogeys) WON Division 3 two points ahead of McAuley (par, birdie at Shirleys Cottage) and O'Shea (par at Lowlands and a double bogey) and with a better back nine second place went to McAuley with O'Shea third.   D'Arcy completed his round with a bogey and a par two points behind the placings.


Division 4

At the start of the Back 9 Antony Blair (23) ('ding' at Longlands) and Aiden Donnelly (27) ('ding' at  The Niuc) were leading but being challenged by Colin Perry (26) for the lead a point behind.   John McCarley (24) was another two points behind.   |Blair ('ding' at Piat) and Donnelly ('ding' at The Fort) were two points ahead of McCarley through The M:aple.   Perry was another point behind.   McCarley parred Devils Elbow, double bogeyed Beechers and bogeyed the Grove  to lead by one point from Donnelly (double bogeyed at Devils Elbow, 'ding' at Beechers and a bogey at the Grove). Perry (par, 'ding' at Beechers, birdie at the Grove) was another point behind.   Blair (bogey, 'dings' at Beechers and the Grove) was a furthyer point back.  What an exciting finish lay ahead as the four golfers finished together.!   McCarley finished double bogey at Lowlands and a 'ding' at

Shirleys Cottage and was joined by Donnelly (double bogey, 'ding'), Perry (two double bogeys) and Blair (bogeys at Lowlands and Shirleys Cottage)..   McCarley with a better back nine WON Division 4, Perry (better back nine) came second and Blair finished third with a better last six.