Galgorm Castle News

Galgorm Dental Stableford

- Posted on: 13/07/2024 - $itemValue.title

Image credit: Kevin Markham

There was a good turn-out of golfers for the Galgorm Dental Stableford played at Galgorm Castle Golf Club. Competition was keen and exciting with close finishes to all Divisions. In fact three players completed the round with equal points for the Overall Winners placing. John O'Kane, Damien Gillen and Matthew Nelson.

Division 1

At halfway Curtis McCartney (3) and Daniel Reilly (1) were vying for the lead a point ahead of Mark Moore (6). Paul Banks (8) ('ding' at Longlands) and Michael Alexander (9) were another two points behind. Through The Maple McCartney was leading by a narrow one point advantage over Reilly. Banks and Moore were another two points behind and Alexander was a further two points back. Up the Grove McCartney, after pars at the Devils Elbow and Beechers followed by a bogey at the Grove, joined Reilly (par, birdie over Beechers and a bogey at the Grove) in the lead. Banks (three pars), Moore (bogey at Devils Elbow and two pars) and Alexander (birdie at Devils Elbow, bogey over Beechers and a par at the Grove) were another one, two and three points respectively further behind. A close finish lay ahead. Reilly with pars at Lowlands and Shirleys Cottage and Banks with pars at the final two holes finished together. Daniel Reilly won the Gross and Banks WON Division 1 by one point from McCartney (par at Lowlands and a bogey at Shirleys Cottage in second place. Another point behind Moore (pars at Lowlands and Shirleys Cottage) and Alexander (par at Lowlands and a bogey at Shirleys Cottage) finished together with third place going to Alexander with a better back nine.

Division 2

Mark Hamilton (12) was the clear leader through the front nine by four points from Colin Thompson (12) ('ding' at the Trout Hole) and Adam Neeson (12) with Brian McMath (13) another two points behind. Approaching the fourteenth tee Hamilton ('ding' at The Fort') was only a point in front of Neeson. McMath and Thompson were another point behind. Up the Grove three players – Neeson (par at Devils Elbow, bogey at Beechers and a double bogey at the Grove; Thompson (pars at Devils Elbow and Beechers and a double bogey at rhe Grove and McMath (bogey at Devils Elbow, double bogey over Beechers and a par) were a point behind Hamilton (two pars and a 'ding' up the Grove)' McMath (par, birdie) and Hamilton ( two pars) finished together and first place went to McMath with a better back nine. Two points behind came Thompson (par, bogey) and Neeson (bogey, par) and Thompson came third with a better last six).

Division 3

At The Fort Neil Fitzsimmons (17) held a comfortable looking four point advantage over John O'Kane (15) ('ding' at the Sanctuary and Johnny Halliday (15). Laurence Darragh (17) was anotyher three points back. At the Devils Elbow Fitzsimmons was still in the lead but an improving O'Kane was only two points behind. Halliday and Darragh were a further two and three points respectively back. O'Kane, after a run of three pars, had overtaken Fitzsimmons (two bogeys and a double bogey) to lead by three points. Halliday (par at Devils Elbow followed by two bogeys) and Darragh (two pars and a bogey at the Grove) were two further points behind. O.Kane finished par at the Lowlands and bogey at Shirleys Cottage to WIN OVERALL (better back nine). Halliday (bogey at Lowlands, par) and Darragh (bogey at Lowlands, par at Shirleys Cottage finished together) with Darragh (better back nine) Winning Division 3. Halliday came second and in third place a point behind came Fitzsimmons (bogey, 'ding' at Shirleys Cottage)


Division 4

At the teenth tee Damien Agnew (23) held a slender one point advantage over Matthew Nelson (26). Damien Gillen (20), Trevor Galloway (24) ('ding' at Trout Hole) and Leonard Campbell (20) ('dings' at Walkers Home and Longlands) were a further one, two and four points respectively behind. Approaching Beechers Gillen was the new leader by a point from Nelson Another two points behind came Agnew followed by Campbell and Galloway another point back. Down the Lowlands Gillen (par at Beechers, bogey at the Grove) was holding off strong efforts from Nelson (two bogeys) and Agnew (two pars). Three points further back came Galloway (two bogeys) and Campbell (bogey, par over Beechers). In another close finish Gillen (double bogey at Lowlands followed by a bogey at Shirleys Cottage) was joined by Nelson (bogey at Lowlands and a double bogey to finish and with a better back nine Gillen won the OVERALL RUNNER-UP placing. Nelson WON Division 4. Trevor Galloway (par, double bogey at Shirleys Cottage) was a point behind and Won the Seniors. In second place another point behind In second place three points behind Nelson in the Division came Agnew (double bogey, 'ding') and Campbell (par at Lowlands, 'ding') finished in third place a further point behind.